#NEW MEDIA 01: I/O Systems: # #MEDIA: we will be [discussing/developing] new media as an art-historical (chronological media arts) genre in relation to screen based media (from cinema to video art) + as social technological concept/construct. #NEW: New Media's new-ness will be [discussed/developed] in relation to utopian hopes + promises, faded glories + various futurisms. #I/0: # #INPUT: students will be expected to try [technologies/systems] which are [demonstrated/discussed] in class. these [technologies/systems] will incl object oriented programming for media files (i.e. {ActionScript, FlashMX + Sorenson|entropy8zuper|Alan Kay's 'Personal Dynamic Media'}), transcoding (i.e. {Cleaner + QuickTime| the Boston CyberArts Festival's Transcodex|Vivian Sobchack's 'Nostalgia for a Digital Object'}) + web-based approaches to experimental media arts (i.e. {[scripting/coding/programming] media with various languages|Mongrel's NINE|Vannevar Bush's 'As We May Think'}). those [technologies/systems] + others should all be considered during the creation of work to be critiqued during class meetings. #OUTPUT: 01 assignment will be given + this assignment should articulate in some way, the concerns of the class. i do not, however, assume that this assignment will be solely relevent to or limited in scope or application to New Media 01. #EXCLUDE: there will not be any tests or any assigned technical excercises. #EVALUATE: we will critique all student projects twice (as a class) + i will address projects + students individually throughout the semester. #PARAMETERS class will meet every FRI from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 PM, with a one-hour break for nutrients, with the exception of Graduate Critique Week. attendance and punctuality are required. 3 absences == NO CREDIT. 2 lates == 1 absence. #GRAPH: classTime will be divided in the following manner: 90% Input 10% Output Inputs will be divided in the following manner: 30% techno-social skillset development 30% readings + discussions 30% screenings of relevent works 10% critiques of student projects