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OnEvent # OnEvent # IN: Input systems: readings, screenings + [aesthetic/technosocial/conceptual/art-historical] skills # OUT: Output systems: 01 completed New Media work in a fully realized state as to be defined by the # REFERENCE: Reference signals are intended to help articulate the basis + influences which impact New Media # ON New Media events exist on a continuum [+/or] in conversation [+/or] in relationship to hystorical theorypractices of microcinema, underground cinema, alternative venues for experimental media arts, decentralized structures, network cultures + various forms of transient artistic cultural actions. # EVENT OnEvent fosters code-based approaches to public programming of New Media via curating, coding + organizing collaborative [+/or] collective New Media events, actions + activities. these processes will result in the development, compiling + running of web-based [+/or] physical New Media arts events. # I/0: students will be expected to use [technologies/systems] which are [demonstrated/discussed] in # OUTPUT: students will keep blogs, livejournals, or vlogs during the semester. students will make the # OUTPUT: # EXCLUDE: there will not be any tests or any assigned technical excercises. # EVALUATE: we will critique all student projects twice (as a class) + i will address projects + students # PARAMETERS class will meet every THURS from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 PM, with a one-hour break for nutrients, with attendance + punctuality are required. 3 absences == NO CREDIT. 2 lates == 1 absence. # GRAPH: classTime will be divided in the following manner: 90% Input Inputs will be divided in the following manner: 30% techno-social skillset development # INPUT the required reading for OnEvent are: title: CRUMB (Curatorial Resource for Upstart Media Bliss) title: New-Media-Curating Discussion List dvr: CRUMB community # RUN: // begin courseware map # SECTION 00 JAN - FEB 2006 ->[FRAY] discussion, CORE [+/OR] CONNECT - [FRAY] # SECTION 01 FEB - MAY 2006 # SECTION 01 FEB - MARCH 2006 # SECTION 01 FEB - MAY 2006 # SECTION 01 APRIL - MAY 2006 # SECTION 01 MAY 2006 # ALL SECTIONS ABOVE OnEvent conversations + connectivities interweave hyperthreads that crisscross themes, topics, metadata + [examples/case studies] of: -> NEW MEDIA // end courseware map this syllabus is protected by the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License: |
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